Friday, September 4, 2015

 Care That Treats the Whole Person, 

Rather than an Ailment

NeuroVitalityCenter Programs to Expand by Yearend

Neuro Vitality – Brain Fitness – Neurological Health –

Many of the disorders involving the brain are idiopathic meaning that we do not know their exact cause but, on the other hand, we do know that many will respond positively to therapies - drug therapies, physical therapies and behavioral/emotional therapies.  Chronic problems come with their own set of issues and encompass one’s whole life affecting not only physical but the emotional and behavioral parts of one’s life. Learning more can help both the sufferer and the loved one who is helping to understand the challenges that are being faced, the methodologies that can help in day to day living and regain some control over their lives. 

At NVC we have seen that treatment of the whole person is key to hope and encouragement in dealing with disability and disorders. Different people respond better to different types of programs and activities. Therapies should be based on the individual as opposed to so many treatments that are based only on the disease or disorder.  And more, in many cases it is excellent to have a loved one participate along side. A good example of this is speech therapies for those who are having volume problems due to Parkinson’s. Understanding and working together, the patient and the loved one can make both of their lives better.

As we move toward our expansion, we will offer a full spectrum of programs and classes to assist those who seek help to better their lives. We will combine the physical and the behavioral programs with education and support to help each of you maintain the maximal wellness you can. In the next months we will be issuing our programs announcements – keep checking back with the web site to find the perfect membership fit for you.

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