Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer Heating Up at NVC!

June is the start of the summer season here in the desert – we replant our flowers, we overseed our lawns, we put away our long pants, and crank up the air conditioning. Summer is also a time that we do our planning of our programs and our events for the coming season and this year we have so many new things to do, our summer is going to be very busy.

Starting June 1st we will be hosting group programs for Parkinson’s Disease sufferers and their families every Tuesday at 3:00PM. There will be educational sessions along with counseling and caregiver support programs throughout the summer. We feel this is an important component to care and are pleased to be able to offer this for the summer months.

Additionally, we hope to be able to offer a special speaker and luncheon during the summer months for those who are seeking help for Multiple Sclerosis. We will be working with the National MS Society on this program and promote this to MS sufferers and their families.
The Neuro Vitality Center is an active and busy place in the summer months and this year, as we welcome those who suffer from associated neurological disorders, we open our doors to each of you who may benefit from our services.

Watch the web site for new programs, for new events, for changes that will only make the Center a better place to be………..remember what Margaret Mead said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Truth About Stroke

May is Stroke Awareness Month. Most of you who are reading this blog don’t need a month to be aware of strokes – you likely are living with it every month of the year.

However, here are some stroke facts that you may not know or have forgotten and some of myths that should be forgotten:


MYTH: Stroke cannot be prevented.
FACT: Up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable.
MYTH: There is no treatment for stroke.
FACT: At any sign of stroke call 9-1-1- immediately. Treatment may be available.
MYTH: Stroke only affects the elderly.
FACT: Stroke can happen to anyone at any time.
MYTH: Stroke happens in the heart.
FACT: Stroke is a "brain attack".
MYTH: Stroke recovery only happens for the first few months after a stroke.
FACT: Stroke recovery is a lifelong process.
MYTH: Strokes are rare.
FACT: There are nearly 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.
MYTH: Strokes are not hereditary.
FACT: Family history of stroke increases your chance for stroke.
MYTH: If stroke symptoms go away, you don’t have to see a doctor.
FACT: Temporary stroke symptoms are called transient ischemic attacks (TIA). They are warning signs prior to actual stroke and need to be taken seriously.

Treatment and rehabilitation for stroke are getting better each year but always remember speed is critical. At the first symptoms of a stroke or recurring stroke CALL 9-1-1 immediately and get to an emergency room.